Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Ridematching System

Our new ridematching system has been up a few days and I thought I'd take a moment to address a few things.

First, thank you so much for your tolerance and understanding during this transition. You make the Smart Trips program successful and we very much appreciate your participation and your patience! Next, if you have not already done so, please confirm your membership via the email sent to you by the new program or go to to join. Until this is done you won't be able to log your commutes or be eligible for prizes or the Emergency Ride Home program. Finally, if you are having any problems with accessing the site or going through the registration process, please contact me at or call (865) 215-2916. I would be happy to talk you through or offer whatever assistance I can.

Few more things:
  • Instructions for deleting or deactivating your account were sent in the original email, however, I can also do this from my end if you prefer.
  • The process of confirming your information only happens with the initial set up, after that you're just two clicks in to log your commutes each time you log on.
  • We've added complete instructions for logging commutes to the logging pages to make it clearer how to do this. But please let us know if you have any questions.
And don't forget the 2011 Commuter Challenge is underway. We're giving away Amazon Kindles, iPod Nano MP3 players, and a $1500 vacation package courtesy of AAA Travel of East Tennessee. More information about the Challenge is available at

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